Saito's Dojo
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Kingdom A&S and other Equestrian projects



"From the Ground Up Competition"   

In addition to the Kingdom A&S Championship and Tri-Levels competition, HL Nikolena Martinovna Popriadukhina, sponsored a challenge called the "From the Ground Up Competition"   

Ise and I entered our two mules and all the training and equipments that we made to train them.

Our Documentation





 Ise's had 3 entries in the Kingdom Arts and Sciences championship.  Barding, Braiding and Belting for Kesode.




Saito's Warbanner and Lance which was his Kingdom Tri-level Arts and Sciences entry


Saito's documentation for banner and lance

 For Gulf Wars Ise and I made a set of Japanese horse barding. Sato made the Tassles and Ise made the Fringe/strapping